Wednesday, July 30, 2008

~ Approaching August ~

As the month of August approaches and July rests itself into the recesses of our memories, let me say that this July was a truly memorable one in my life.
My little sister and I purchased a home together in the High Country, Prescott, Arizona where the air is cleaner, cooler and fresher than here in the Valley of the Sun. We are busily pulling this home together in anticipation of her moving here permanently within the next three years.

There are a few new stamping and paper crafting stores in Prescott that I have visited and plan to take classes at some point in the near future. I look forward to expanding my crafty friends circle to encompass some new ladies up north.

In July I created some cards for a swap with my Dine n Swap friends which the theme for the month was paper embroidery. I cleverly incorporated some leaf embroidery into the rubber stamped part of the card entitled "For You".

Thank you for visiting my blog and I wish you much happiness in whatever it is that your heart desires and your travels take you.


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